You obviously put a lot of thought into this article.
I have come across a great number advancements in the medical space that are being ignored due to one reason or another.
Big Pharma would always want to protect its bottom line, but the more we write and share ideas like this the more we would be able to raise awareness for the methods that matter.
Amazing, Amazing
You obviously put a lot of thought into this article.
I have come across a great number advancements in the medical space that are being ignored due to one reason or another.
Big Pharma would always want to protect its bottom line, but the more we write and share ideas like this the more we would be able to raise awareness for the methods that matter.
Thank you so much for writing this.
The work is a proof of hardwork and broad knowledge. I give kudos to the writer
Yes, yes...
People are already in economically trying times.
The least we can do is ditch our fear, the greed and help solve these health problems.
It means everything to these people.
This is incredibly brilliant.
Well researched and detailed.
Thanks for sharing 🙏