How Quantum Doctors Cure What Others Can't (Harvard Doctors Are Learning This Now)
How many people are now aware that the future of Medicine belongs to Quantum doctors? If you're asking what that means, this was written just for you.
Dear doctor,
If you are just hearing about Quantum Healthcare, don't worry. You're early.
Quantum Healthcare is healthcare which gives rightful place to feelings and thoughts on the basis of the evidence for Quantum Field Theory.
Quantum doctors are more interested in your bio-field than in your physical body.
That's because they know that the dynamics of your bio-field energy is what we then observe externally as health, or as illness.
What is this bio-field?
Like the earth, human beings produce a magnetic fields.
You have an electromagnetic field whose centre is your heart, and another one whose centre is your brain.
This is why we call them brain waves, or heart rhythms. Those refer to physics fields.
Beyond our heart and brain waves, there is the one scalar field that connects us all.
The thing we used to call vacuum. It's all around us.
You have energy centres in your body that communicate with this scalar field.
The energy centres are in touch with your nerve ganglia and with your gland systems.
Your own body's heart and brain waves can synchronize
And when this Coherence happens, that's when we are in moments of love, and our bodies are geared to handle stress without breaking down.
That Coherence turns our parasympathetic nervous system on, and the relaxation response of your glands kick in, and your immune system is high.
To round up about fields I want to mention this.
Your heart and brain waves are in constant communication with Earth's own waves.
Your field is affected by Earth's field and Earth's field affects your field.
Also, your heart and brain waves affect other people, animals, plants, crystals and water.
The heart and brain waves of others affect you as well. We are all in the one scalar field.
The way all of this interacts with your biology is really what is called the bio-field.
At first I expected the new medicine to be simpler than the old one.
In a way it is. It's principles are more natural. It connects us better to one another.
Yet the science of it is more advanced, and as it explains more of our reality, it is more vast to study.
The doctors who understand it so far are able to cure illnesses we used to call incurable.
We are talking about the really bad stuff:
- Chronic disease conditions
- Mental health dysfunctions
- Lack of meaning or fulfilment in life
If you want real results for your patients, your desire could make you one such successful doctor.
We now meet just three of the most popular doctors who work with the understanding of what Quantum Healthcare means.
Dr Bruce Lipton, who taught medical school for many years.
Dr Rangan Chatterjee, the BBC-celebrated general practitioner BBC with the number 1 health podcast in Europe.
Dr Paul Drouin, the canadian family doctor whose hunger for better healthcare led him to found the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine.
What makes them so effective at curing what other doctors can't?
Well let's look at the way they work.
Dr Bruce Lipton
Now world-renowned for being a pioneer of the biology of belief, Dr Lipton confesses he went into science because he wanted nothing to do with belief in God.
From a young age, he says, he had looked at the people who talked about spirituality, and they just weren't practising what they preached.
It just wasn't working for them. Why would it work for him if he joined them?
So though he came from a Russian-Jewish background, he went into cell biologist. Eventually he taught in the medical college at Harvard and the University of Wisconsin.
It was right in the lab, while working on stem cells, that he made a discovery that would change the field of biology forever.
This was the 1970s and stem cell research did not have the clout it does now, but that's what he was working on.
He observed that from one single stem cell culture, he could obtain three different cell cultures: fat cells, bone cells, and muscle cells...
Just by changing the culture medium: the information in the environment of growth.
He would alter the nutrients in the new petri dish, introduce undifferentiated stem cells, and voila! Nerve cells would form. Or heart cells would form, and be beating right there on the plastic dish.
All from the same stem cells!
What was going on here!
At that point we believed it was your genes that determined what kind of cells got formed and at what time in your life that got to happen.
Many people still believe this today, and they use it to make serious political and social decisions. The need for the right education is real.
Back then biology said the DNA is responsible for forming the different types of organs and tissues.
In essence, your genes were thought to determine what you look like, how you behave, what illness you have.
Yet it wasn't the genes that were changing stem cell to muscle or to bone. The 3 cultures had the same DNA.
The difference was the environment.
This led him and other scientists to more and more research that brought the scientific world to the conclusion we now hold.
It is not your genes that determine your destiny.
It is your Epigenetics.
The genes are just blueprint. They do not switch features off or on. They are either read or not read.
What does the reading or skipping?
Your epigenetics. The information from your mind and heart and from the morphic fields of the earth and of other people.
The data says you can influence what your cells look like, with your thoughts, your feelings, the thoughts and feelings of others.
It wasn't long before scientists began making the connection between Epigenetics and the placebo effect, meditation, prayer, positive thinking, negative thinking, Ubuntu, and the other ways people have used words, thoughts and feeling to influence health over thousands of years.
So this much was clear, the fact that it worked... but how did it work? How could we explain it?
The explanation came from no other place but Quantum Physics.
Right, that area of physics that confuses even physicists.
Dr Bruce Lipton says from his experience, biologists are not the most excited people in the room when you start a Physics conversation.
Is it any wonder that even though the physics has been known for decades, our biology and medicine has remained backward, in that comfort zone of the old Newtonian physics.
Thankfully we now have people standing up to the challenge. Quantum Biologists. Biologists who work not with the old paradigm of Newtonian physics, but with state-of-the-art Quantum Physics.
From water research to consciousness research, data has been pouring in.
We have found that our thoughts and emotions and the words we speak are vibrations in the scalar energy fields around us.
Our genes bring the ingredients,but ultimately it is you and I who decide what is produced out of it:
Health, or disease
Love, or hate
Fulfilment, or despair
It's up to you and me.
As it turns out, the most proven, up-to-date physics actually ends up giving power back to you, the individual...
It demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that we have freewill, especially the freewill to make ourselves well, or sick.
But does it play out in real life as the data suggests?
Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Popularly known as the doctor who makes diseases disappear, Dr Chatterjee is big on dealing with chronic diseases.
If you didn't already know this, chronic diseases are that kind which slither into the body slowwwly over time, drain money down the sink over years of supposed treatment, then take the sufferer to the grave eventually.
They make life hell for the patient and their family, then end it eventually, having never been cured.
It's not surprising Dr Chatterjee's podcast is the No. 1 Health podcast in all of Europe.
Naturally, people want to hear from someone with documented success in eliminating such hideous diseases.
He has had public success with such illnesses, ranging from type II diabetes to the sort of depression that doesn't respond to antidepressants, and migraines that don't go away.
How did he become such a doctor? And how can you as well?
He tells us in his TEDx talk how he had gotten his qualifications, specialized, and afterward gone into general practice.
He always had this nagging feeling, he says, that he was only suppressing people's symptoms, not curing the real roots of the disease.
Like everyone else, he carried on regardless, towing the conventional line, nothing out of the normal.
Then in 2011 he was rudely shaken up when his son nearly died. They were on vacation in France, when for no clear reason his boy began to choke.
His daddy, the doctor, ran to him. He tried to clear his airways. They rushed him to a hospital in France. The doctors tried this and that. The boy was still lifeless.
The doctors there did two lumbar punctures on that little boy. In one night.
They thought he might have meningitis.
Later on it turned out the boy had been dying from low levels of calcium in the blood, which in turn was caused by low levels of vitamin D.
Vitamin D!
His boy could have died from an easily preventable vitamin deficiency!
Dr Chatterjee felt guilty. He had failed his son in the very area he should have been an expert. It drove him into research.
He found science. Science he had never been taught him in medical school. He applied it to his son and the boy got better.
When Dr Chatterjee saw the amazing effect of this science on his son, he began to apply it to his patients. The results were unbelievable.
Beyond merely managing symptoms, the root causes of their diseases began to go away as well.
Before we go on, have you noticed how this comment from Dr Chatterjee about not getting taught important science in medical school is too common among doctors?
'I wrote to the deans of the medical school: " You made me a fine technician, but you didn't teach me to take care of people"'
- Dr Bernie Siegel
"As a medical doctor conventionally trained, I was not taught these things in medical school."
- Dr Lissa Rankin
Despite what they go through to graduate, and despite how many people are dependent on them in the world for life, it hurts to see how much science is kept from doctors.
Kept from doctors, did you say?!
They are not my words. Hear the one who taught medical college in Harvard and the University of Wisconsin, Dr Bruce Lipton. He says in his explosive podcast interview with Marianne Williamson,
"I was a professor at a medical school, and I can tell you very clearly that the money coming from the pharmaceutical industry very significantly shaped our curriculum.
"Well, all this new information about energy and consciousness was coming forth, the medical school system actually didn't permit it in the curriculum at all."
There it is, in plain sight.
However, it would appear they are having a change of heart.
Harvard Medical School now partners with Brigham and Women's Hospital in the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.
They had a symposium as far back as 2017 with the tagline like "Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. What can we learn from each other?"
That's not all. Far from it.
At Harvard Medical College, Ted Kaptchuk has gone deep into Placebo studies in incredibly rigorous fashion.
The Professor of Medicine and Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine is director of the Harvard-wide Program in Placebo Studies and the Therapeutic Encounter (PiPS) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.
I found him through Dr Lissa Rankin (this rabbit-hole has swallowed me up).
His studies show that it is not just the belief of the person that heals them. It is very much also the love (let's say that again, shall we? ...LOVE) and care of the physician and their belief (BELIEF?! are you kidding me?) that the patient would recover.
Hear him in his own words though. He was interviewed in 2011 by Michael Specter of the New Yorker. Part of the interview went this way.
In summary,
The loving care and belief for recovery, along with the patient's own belief in the procedure, was what led to radical remissions from placebos.
I don't know about you but this freaking blewwww my mind…
Anyway, so, Harvard has got their game on.
How about you, doc? What are you going to do about the significant gaps in your medical education?
Here's what Dr Chatterjee and others like him began to do that eventually set them apart from those still trying to catch up.
He investigates what the triggers were that caused the beginnings of the chronic disease back when it had not gotten serious enough to be diagnosed as a disease.
You see, this is how we have been doing medicine: person feels unwell, goes to see the doctor. Doctor runs the labs, doesn't see anything serious. Doctor tells person to go home and come back when there is something he can treat.
He works closely together with his patient so they change their lifestyle.
It's not just about the lab tests and the mechanical stuff. He explores what needs repair in other areas of their lives.
They repair their diet, adjust how they manage their stress, switch up their sleep patterns, balance their microbiome.
He works with them until they have successfully change the environment of their body cells.
That's how he makes the disease disappear.
Are you saying that taking the pains to fine-tune those environmental factors for the cells will make these unbearable chronic diseases disappear?
Are you saying they're not in the genes? There's no gene that switches this one on and the other one off?
Hear Dr Chatterjee as he spoke quite passionately.
"Diseases, actually at their core, share common root causes.
"We need to update our thinking. Our genetics are not our destiny.
"Our genes load the gun but it's our environment that pulls the trigger.
" All these factors here, these are the factors that, basically, interact with your genes and determine how your genes are expressed".
Again, your decisions, your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions... your influence via epigenetics, is what determines whether you are healthy, or not.
We meet our final doctor for today. He is the pioneer who tied it all together, uniting the different modalities of medicine that deal with root problems not symptoms, by dealing with the physics of the individual.
The individual.
So important in this new science.
Dr Lipton says in that loaded Marianne Williamson podcast this golden line:
"It gives power back to the individual".
Dr Chatterjee expressed the same in his TEDx talk.
"This is personalized medicine. Precision medicine... We need to take back control and empower ourselves, and re-educate ourselves away from our fear of disease, and right back down the curve, to optimal health".
Dr Paul Drouin
He might go down in history as that pioneer who brought together the great pioneers, and established an academic unity for Quantum Medicine.
Despite each professional being popular in their own right, due to decades of results, Dr Drouin has assembled them in conferences and to teach courses at Quantum University.
Dr Amit Goswami []
Nassim Haramein []
Dr Rupert Sheldrake []
Dr Bruce Lipton []
Dr Lissa Rankin []
Dr Gregg Bradden []
Lynne McTaggart []
Dr Bernie Siegel []
Dr Yury Kronn []
Dr Rollin McCraty []
Dr Joe Dispenza []
Dr Timothy Buie []
Their portfolios would take a whole blog post to mention. I have linked their websites.
Who is Dr Paul Drouin, who is able to gather these giants, and what could have driven him to taking such bold steps to upgrade the way we do medicine?
He lives in the United States now, but he was originally from Canada.
He says he was a family doctor, sought out by people in different provinces of Canada. People came to look for him from the United States.
However, his results were not enough, it seemed. In the Institute of Health his colleagues told him that what he was doing was not scientific. It just couldn't be taught in a university.
That was when he realized, he says, that the doctor was not allowed to just get people well. The doctor was allowed to do so only if he followed the protocols taught in a university.
"This is heavy of consequence. I could heal and I could use these tools that weren't defined in university... 95% of what I was doing at that time and helping clients was not Western Medicine"
He began as a Western Medical doctor. He saw that his clients could be better helped by other forms of Medicine. He used those forms. He was labelled a quack.
What do we label the doctors at Harvard who are learning Traditional Chinese Medicine?
They even gave it a fancy acronym: TCM...
The dogma is deep. It will take your conscious effort to go on your journey out of it. And you can only begin when you decide that health and fulfilment are worth dealing with the fear of changing your beliefs.
Dr Drouin soon realized a second shocker.
If the panels of medical protocols were operating with an outdated model of science, it would have a pandemic sized effect of limiting doctors and clients alike as far as health solutions are concerned.
“No one knows the price we are paying for an incomplete medical education”.
- Dr Paul Drouin
This drove him to found the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine.
Now we have an elaborated Quantum Physics foundation with data that increasingly helps us distinguish what Medicine (whether traditional or conventional) really works and which ones don't.
By peer review we are sieving out the propaganda, the pseudoscience, exalting what works, whether it's what we are used to or not.
Clients don't have to hear the doctor say " nothing is wrong with you", even when they don't feel good.
Or this other one: "it's all in your head".
In Quantum Medicine, how you feel matters in Quantum medicine. As does what your doctor believes about your recovery.
Those beliefs and feelings are energy that interact with our bio-fields, and they cause physiological responses in our nervous, endocrine and immune systems.
That's how it works.
Just like Drs Lipton, Chatterjee and Rankin, Dr Drouin believes medicine has to be something that is decentralized, that you take into your own hands.
“But also, it has to be that when you need solutions there are options available to you and you are not forced to choose one whether you like it or not.
"We're not speaking about having a melting pot of different traditional medicines. No we're speaking of updating the model of science under it all.”
Our current model of medicine is fantastic. It's amazing. I love it. It has saved my organs more than I want to count.
Now it's getting too costly and at the same time it's not as effective as it should be.
People are paying the price of that incompetence with their lives.
Why should we fail this system that has helped us so much by letting it degrade?
Why should we fail our children by watching them grow into a system that won't serve them?
It's time to upgrade.
To a medicine based on Quantum Physics.
To treating the root causes instead of merely managing symptoms.
To a system that triumphs over greed and sponsors love among us all.
Dear medical practitioner,
This newsletter is for you, and for the patients you care about.
To cease disease at the source rather than merely silencing the symptoms.
To bring your clients, their loved ones, and you, to full joy.
Subscribe, and have your loved ones plug in as well.
Are there topics you would like us to delve deeper into? Let us know in the comments section.
Amazing, Amazing
You obviously put a lot of thought into this article.
I have come across a great number advancements in the medical space that are being ignored due to one reason or another.
Big Pharma would always want to protect its bottom line, but the more we write and share ideas like this the more we would be able to raise awareness for the methods that matter.
Thank you so much for writing this.
This is incredibly brilliant.
Well researched and detailed.
Thanks for sharing 🙏